Peppermint is another staple among families who use herbal remedies. The essential oil is cultivated from the highly aromatic perennial herb. The leaf of the peppermint plant is highly used in culinary fields. Due to the refreshing flavour and the therapeutic benefits, it is often used in herbal teas as well. The active ingredient in this oil is menthol - which is used in everything from soap to toothpaste. Unlike many other herbs and essential oils, several health benefits of peppermint and peppermint oil have been formally studied and proved by the scientific community, to the extent that it may be suggestion for use by medical practitioners.
Peppermint essential oil is very beneficial in the treatment of digestive issues and is commonly used to aid in the treatment of indigestion and motion sickness, Headaches, mental fatigue, nervous stress can also be reduced by using peppermint oil. It is also widely known that vermin (rats and mice) dislike peppermint, so planting the herb or placing drops of oil around your house will likely deter unwanted critters.
Peppermint is also known as a "hot" oil. The calm and cooling sensation is often followed by heat. Take care in the application of this oil; it is generally recommended at a 5% blend rate. The oil should not be applied near the eyes (of children and adults) or the faces of children and babies. As with many essential oils, it is commonly recommended that women who are pregnant and/or nursing and individual diagnosed with diabetes should generally avoid using lavender until consulting with a primary health care provider.
The details, recipes and blends provided on this site are for information purposes only. I am not a healthcare professional, just a mother who is wanting a natural lifestyle for her family. Please be sure to consult your primary healthcare provider before adding essential oils to your routine. |